Team Development

Every team has its own unique challenges. Newly formed teams face different issues from established teams struggling to fulfill their potential. If you want to improve your team's results and level of cooperation, discuss your situation and your aims with us. We will design team development activities for your team. Examples of our approach include:

Team Building Workshop

A customised workshop which focuses on establishing the foundation for strong teamwork. Workshop length depends on need and may cover areas like:

  • Establishing our team's purpose and work plan
  • Clarifying the functions within our team - who does what
  • Understanding our work style preferences
  • Agreeing team ground rules and commitments
  • Building team communication skills
  • Developing trust and co-operation
  • Learning to give and receive feedback
  • Ensuring resilience and wellbeing
  • Addressing differences that can cause conflict.

This approach suits new teams, including project and management groups, as well as established units which have not yet gelled as a team.

Team Development

We start by analysing what is happening within the team, by using a questionnaire or through talking with you and team members. Typically we gather information on:

  • Clarity of team goals
  • Team cohesiveness
  • Roles of team members
  • Team norms
  • Areas of conflict
  • Leadership behaviour
  • Communication patterns
  • Level of trust in the team
  • Decision-making processes
  • Adequacy of feedback

Based on the results of this analysis, we then design a programme to improve team effectiveness.